- Category: Latest News
- 2021-06-16
- Vincennes, France
On June 2nd, ESA presented to Space Y members its Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP).
NAVISP is an important element for the overall European GNSS landscape, capable of leveraging both ESA expertise gained through Galileo, EGNOS and Navigation Programmes and the existing industrial base of the European Navigation sector.
Space Y acknowledges the perfect match between NAVISP objectives, the mission of the association and the interest of its members.
In particular, NAVISP aims to bring the benefits of the large investments done in Europe on satellite infrastructure to support European industry to succeed in the highly competitive and rapidly-evolving global market of PNT technologies and services. NAVISP phase 2 has been initiated in 2020 with a financing envelope of about 78 M€.
Upcoming tenders have been presented, and fruitful discussions were concluded by the willingness of both parties to meet again at several occasions by the end of the year.