- Category: Latest News | Tags: EU Institutions
- 2019-11-25
- Prague, Czech Republic
On 25 November, the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and Galileo Services, the association representing the European GNSS downstream industry, had their annual meeting addressing initiatives for developing the European GNSS downstream industry.
“GSA is valuing these meetings with Galileo Services. It is really important for us to listen to the industry and the users and to identify important opportunities for Europe.” declared GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides. “The budget negotiations for the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), including downstream investments, will start early 2020 and it is now important to properly finance the downstream.”
“Galileo Services very much appreciates the dialogue our two organisations have had over the years and we look forward to continuing this dialogue with the GSA in the future” adds Galileo Services Chairman Gard Ueland. “Europe has some great opportunities and we need to succeed with downstream when detailing the budget for the next MFF. Jobs, economic growth and enhanced quality of life for EU citizens: that is what it is all about – and the way we achieve that is through the success of the European GNSS downstream industry.”
GSA and Galileo Services are continuing the dialogue in-between the annual meetings. 2020 will be crucial for creating the best possible platform for capitalising on the large investments made in the European GNSS programmes; through competitiveness of European products, applications and services.