- Category: Members News
- 2021-03-31
Green light from ESA NAVISP-3 program to Radiolabs for the P-CAR project to build the first laboratory in Europe for supporting the validation and certification of vehicle’s safe positioning systems: a premiere for promoting Galileo and 5G into the connected cars market.
This contract represents a further evolution of EMERGE – the innovation partnership with + 10 M€ of public-private investments in Italy between Ministry of Economical Development (MISE), Region Abruzzo, and Radiolabs in coordination with STELLANTIS.
The new facility is conceived as a core infrastructure to contributing to the certification process of safety-relevant multi-sensor positioning devices and to exploiting, in particular, the new features of Galileo and 5G – two strategic assets for vehicle’s automation and smart roads.
This laboratory – with its cloud-based architecture to connect with other laboratories and form an European-wide network – will be integrated into the Center of Excellence (Ex-EMERGE) for Geo-localized, Connected and Cyber-secure vehicles, of the University of L’Aquila a dedicated center for training specialized resources on the connected cars domain.
“P-CAR will exploit the background on safety-relevant positioning platforms already developed for train automation, to foster technological synergies and osmosis of best practices with the automotive sector by leveraging on the highest safety levels of the ERTMS train control and the volume production capability of the car industry” underlined Francesco Rispoli – Galileo Services board’s director and general director of Radiolabs – the research consortium participated by Hitachi Rail.