- Category: Latest News | Tags: EU Institutions
- 2015-11-25
- Prague, Czech Republic
The GSA met with Galileo Services, which represents the European GNSS downstream industry, to discuss the market uptake of Galileo and EGNOS. The meeting, which took place at GSA Headquarters in Prague on 25 November, reconfirmed the two organisations’ collaboration on Europe’s GNSS programmes.
The dialogue focused on GS recently published position paper entitled here. The paper highlights potential plans for increasing the development of the GNSS market in Europe and, in particular, the uptake of Galileo and EGNOS – a task at the core of GSA’s mission.
« I am pleased to see a convergence of views on many of the actions identified in the paper, including market intelligence and the promotion and support of R&D activities » says GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides. « In this direction, the GSA is pleased to see GS members actively involved in Horizon 2020 R&D projects.
« Galileo Services deeply appreciates the resources and actions coming from the GSA and other European institutions aimed at strengthening European GNSS and its downstream market, » adds GS Chairman Gard Ueland. « However, we need to do more to ensure that European industry can take full advantage of this booming, global market. »
Carlo des Dorides noted that working in close collaboration with the industry is a key task for the GSA. In support of this objective, the GSA has published its GNSS Market Report, which serves as an essential tool for understanding the evolution and current state of the global GNSS market. Likewise, GS position paper aims to serve as a roadmap, outlining a series of crucial steps Europe needs to implement to achieve its market potential.
Both organisations confirmed their commitment to cooperate with the ultimate objectives of fostering European GNSS market uptake and promoting the emergence of a dynamic European GNSS downstream sector.